FIMA 2014 (past event)

12 - 13 November, 2014

12 - 13 November, 2014 | QEII Conference Centre, London

Dominique Tanner, Head of Business Development, Executive Director at SIX Financial Information

Dominique Tanner

Head of Business Development, Executive Director
SIX Financial Information

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Dominique.

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Day 1

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

13:50 Leveraging Data Standards to Improve Data Quality

Being able to access high quality reference data is of significant importance to the financial industry not least in the context of ever evolving regulatory requirements. However views on what constitutes high quality can differ from one user to the other and is subject to interpretation. Developing and applying data standards can help to overcome these hurdles and can be used to facilitate consistency in interpreting the meaning of data.
SIX Financial Information has developed a prototype internally demonstrating the benefits of applying data standards to large volumes of reference data, which can also be measured through a set of corresponding KPIs. Further analysis of any inconsistencies with the standard can be used to define targeted measures to improve data quality in a sustainable way.

- The importance of data quality

- Different perspectives on data quality

- The role of data standards

- Real world examples of data standards

- Measuring consistency with the standard (KPIs)

- Deriving sustainable quality improvement measures